Associate professor of Commercial Law at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Piacenza campus), he graduated in Law from the University of Sassari, at which he also received his Ph.D. in "Law and Economics of Production Systems."
He mainly focuses on corporate law, public holding company law and corporate law, with a special emphasis on corporate governance, corporate compliance and extraordinary transactions, including those involving companies in crisis, and corporate contracts.
He holds, and has held, positions on the supervisory bodies of companies.
He is the author of numerous publications and is a speaker at conferences on corporate and commercial law.
He is a member of the Board of Editors of the Law Journals "Giurisprudenza Commerciale"(Giuffré), "Il Societario "(Giuffré), "Giurisprudenza Arbitrale "(Giappichelli).
He has rights of audience before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation and has been registered with the Bologna Bar Association since November 2015.
Languages: Italian, English