Graduated cum laude from the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania in March 2009, with a dissertation in tax law whose title was "The tax transparency regime"
In May 2011, she took a Legal Professions specialisation at the same University, with a dissertation in commercial law whose title was "Compound Interest applied by Banks".
In 2015, she attended the "A. Berlini" Master's Programme in tax law at the European School of Tax Law ("Scuola Europea di Alti Studi Tributari") in Bologna, followed by a period in which she collaborated with a Tax Law Firm.
In 2017, she attended the short Master's Programme in "Corporate Governance and Organizational Models" at the Bologna Business School.
She has been registered with the Bologna Bar Association since February 2013.
She has been working with our firm since June 2016.
Languages: Italian, English